192.168.I.2 Network is valid ip address, but pay attention with I and 1. In computer world, the network address of computers are respresented by X.X.X.X, where X can be digit from 0 - 255. The ip address is the management portal address of your router or ADSL modem. It is a web-based software used to control the function of the router or ADSL modem, usually developed by the manufacturer, and have user-friendly interface. With that portal, users can change necessary settings and configure new settings, whenever they come across to connection problems.

How to deal with 192.168.I.2?

To have full authorization on your router or modem, you have to enter in your browser. After accessing your management portal you can change the settings and configure your router which the portal provides. For example, you can change Security Options, Network Management, Wifi, IP QoS, DNS, proxy, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, DSL, ADSL, MAC, WPS. You can manage your internet easily in the workplace, at school, at home, cafes and wherever you are since the management portal is accessed by network, therefore you have to take more care in security settings.

How to use 192.168.I.2 IP address?

You can just copy paste or type the following address to your browser, or the below link to reach the management portal of your router.
Click Here
If you enter the IP address successfully into your browser, it will ask you for username and password. The most common problem experienced by users is entering the wrong password. That's because over time, many users forget or do not know the unused passwords. If you do not know your user name and/or password for your modem, see the detailed information below.

What I can do if I forget my router's or modem's user name and password?
It is simple to reset your router or modem as well as password to factory settings. There is a small reset button on the back of every kind of router or modem devices. When your device is powered on and working, use a pen, needle or toothpick to hold on the reset button for 20 seconds. This will turn your device back to factory settings. In this process, however, your internet connection will break because your existing Internet settings to be reset. Note: If you do not have enough information, it is recommended you should get help from a person who has that kind of knowledge.

Find Default Passwords For Your Modem: